To promote positive habits as part of a healthy active lifestyle; through a broad and inclusive curriculum that values maximal participation and enjoyment. |

To deliver a broad, balanced, and inclusive curriculum that allows all students the opportunity to flourish, enjoy, achieve, and progress in PE. To instil lifelong habits as part of a healthy active lifestyle.
To assess students across a variety of pathways (player, coach, official, leader) so that learners, parents and teachers can identify opportunities for enhanced progression within the learning journey.
To prepare students for success at Key Stage 4 and beyond, whether that be through formal qualifications, or in terms of participating or performing in lifelong sport and physical activity.
To provide opportunities for students to engage in extra-curricular activities throughout their time at The Heys School: In the form of sports clubs; school teams; inter form competition; and through culture capital opportunities in the community.

In Key stage 3 assessments are completed at the end of every topic to track and monitor the progress of students. Feedback is provided to students in terms Practical Performance, Skill Application, and Personal Qualities in PE. Students are encouraged to compare their performance to ‘what a good one looks like’ and to their performances in other activities across a range of pathways- for example as players, leaders and officials.
At Key Stage 3 Students study PE for 2x 1hour lessons per week.

At Key Stage 4 all students participate in Core PE Lessons for 1 hour per week. The aim of this is to establish a pattern and understanding of a healthy active lifestyle.
OCR Cambridge Nationals Sports Studies and OCR GCSE PE are both offered at Key Stage 4. Students opting for these courses will be timetabled 3 lessons per week.
In Cambridge Nationals, Students study ‘Sport and the Media’ (Marked by Controlled Assessment, ‘Performance and Leadership in Sport’ (Marked by Controlled Assessment), and ‘Contemporary Issues in Sport’ (External Exam).
In OCR GCSE PE Students prepare for 2 Examinations; to be taken at the end of year 11. The 2 Papers are entitled ‘Physical Factors Affecting Performance’ and ‘Social-Cultural Issues & Sports Psychology’. Additionally, students will be assessed in their performance across 3 sports and their ability to analyse performance.
Students studying Cambridge Nationals will be awarded between a Level 1 Pass and a Level 2 Distinction * with each level equating to a traditional 1-9 score. Teaching and learning is designed to prepare students maximally for controlled assessment and a terminal examination. For each assignment, students will receive feedback as per guidelines from OCR.
Students studying GCSE PE will be awarded a grade 1-9 following their GCSE examinations in the summer of Year 11. Assessments to track progress are set regularly throughout each half term. Feedback is related to GCSE criteria to highlight areas of strength and development throughout the course.

The topics students cover throughout Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 are outlined in the link below:
Curriculum Overview Physical Education – Boys KS3 (2023-24)
Curriculum Overview Physical Education – Girls KS3 (2023-24)
Curriculum Overview GCSE PE – KS4
Curriculum Overview Sports Studies – KS4 (2023-24)
Secondary National Curriculum Physical Education
Long Term KS3 and 4 Scheme of Work
Year 7
Team game fundamentals- possession
Individual game fundamentals – Rallies
Dance- Introduction to Contemporary
Outdoor & Adventurous Activities- Team Building
Performing at maximal levels
Year 8
Team game fundamentals- Attacking/ Defending
Individual game fundamentals – Attacking/ Defending
Gymnastics- Travel
Outdoor Education- Orienteering
Performing at maximal levels- Improve upon personal best.
Year 9
Team game fundamentals- Outwitting an opponent
Individual game fundamentals – Outwitting an opponent
Performing at maximal levels-Analysis of Own and Others performance.
Year 10-11 Core PE Themes/Focus
HT1 and 3: Use and develop a variety of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in team and individual games
HT2 and 4: Develop technique and improve performance in other competitive sports; including emerging and minority sports
HT3 and 6: Evaluate performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement across a range of physical activities to achieve your personal best
Sports Studies Year 10
Curriculum Overview Sports Studies – KS4 (2023-24)
R186: The relationship between Sport and The Media
R185: Basketball, Badminton Practical Performance and logbook
R186: The positive Impacts of The Media in Sport
R185: Football, Handball Practical Performance and logbook
R186: The Negative Impacts of The Media in Sport
R185: Table Tennis, Netball Practical Performance and logbook
Controlled Assessment R186 Tasks 1, 2 and 3
Practical Moderation R185 Task 1 Performance in 2 best sports
R185 Task 2- Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses in Performance- Design Drills to improve performance over time.
R185: Task 2-Methods to improve, and measuring improvement in performance
R184: Foundation unit in Contemporary Issues in Sport
GCSE PE Year 10
Unit 01 – Physical factors affecting performance
Structure and function of the musculoskeletal system
Structure and function of the cardiovascular system
Physical training: Optimising training
Physical Training: Components of fitness
Unit 02- Social cultural issues and sports psychology
Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport
Sports Psychology
Health, fitness and well-being
Year 11 Themes/Focus
Sports Studies Year 11
Curriculum Overview Sports Studies – KS4 (2023-24)
R184: Contemporary Issues in Sport
Issues which affect Participation in Sport
The Role of Sport in Promoting Values
The Implications of Hosting a Major Sporting Event for a City or Country
The Role National Governing Bodies Play in the Development of Their Sport
The Use of Technology in Sport
R185: Performance and Leadership in Sports Activities
Tasks 3- Organising and Planning a Sports Activity Session
Task 4- Leading a Sports Activity Session
Task 5- Reviewing your Own Leadership Performance.
GCSE PE Year 11
Students re-visit Unit 01 (Physical factors affecting performance) and Unit 02 (Social cultural issues and sports psychology) at greater depth, developing technique and refining knowledge in order to access short answers and extended response items.
Unit 04 Practical Performances This component will assess: • Core and advanced skills in three activities taken from the approved lists: one from the ‘individual’ list, one from the ‘team’ list and one other from either list.
Unit 05 Analysis and Evaluation of Performance This component draws upon the knowledge, understanding and skills a student has learnt and enables them to analyse and evaluate their own or a peer’s performance in one activity.

Year 10 and 11 Coursework Catch up Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtimes (C4)
GCSE Revision Guides available to buy from PE: Free to Pupil Premium Students.
Full Heys PE Kit to be brought to all practical PE Lessons. Kit can be ordered via the school website.