We strive for high standards and expectations within the school and the local community we serve. Our Prefects have the opportunity to share in the leadership of the school and it is a very prestigious responsibility.
The role of a Prefect is an important one and, if chosen, you will be accepting a position of considerable responsibility. Therefore, the candidates will be carefully selected by the Year 11 pastoral team and the Senior Leadership Team.
The role of a Prefect is recognised beyond school and it is an excellent achievement to put on a CV and to mention when completing your college and university applications. Being a successful Prefect demonstrates leadership skills and commitment to a role.
The positions require forward-thinking, confident individuals who will support the effective management of the school and maintain the positive ethos. All Prefects will act as a link between teachers and students, so you must be an excellent communicator and a person who is taken seriously and well-respected.
If a student would like to be considered for the more senior roles they will need to complete the additional question on the application form. The role of the Head/Deputy Head or Senior Prefect will require you to take on extra responsibilities linked to one The Heys Working Parties (see job description).
Management and Organisation of Prefects
Those who gain Prefect status will have a meeting on a half termly basis to monitor their effectiveness of being a Heys Prefect by their Pastoral Manager/HOY. Any Prefects not meeting the Hey’s Prefect Standards and Expectations as outlined will unfortunately have their Prefect status removed and will not be allowed to reapply.
A review of all applications will be undertaken at two further points during the year (Christmas/ February ½ term) and it is possible that candidates who are unsuccessful in the initial stage may be added to the prefect list later in the year.
Role Specification
General responsibilities:
- To be a positive role model and set a good example to all younger students.
- To follow all aspects of the Heys Way including maintaining an excellent dress code.
- To wear your Prefect badge/tie every day so that younger pupils can identify you.
- To undertake the specific responsibility you have been assigned as a Prefect. This includes maintaining the tidiness within the area and monitoring students using the facilities.
- To contribute towards the organisation of the Year 11 Leaver’s Prom.
Additional responsibilities:
You would be expected to complete the following duties when asked.
- To help with tours for visitors to the school, especially on open evenings.
- To assist at parents’ evenings, directing parents where necessary and helping to serve tea and coffee to staff.
- To assist with school events including the Careers Fair, Musical Events and Presentations.
- To represent the students of The Heys School at external events as and when required.
Senior Prefect responsibilities:
You would need to be actively involved in one of the Heys Work Parties below.
- Heys in the Community – school/community based projects and charity events.
- Personal Development – promoting Health and Well Being within the school. Be a Well Being Ambassador.
- Behaviour and Rewards – promoting/ contributing towards the reward system/positive culture of the school.
- Primary Transition – leading and assisting with calendared primary events/workshops within school.