
Music is a universal language that is understood by all cultures. The power of music can inspire us, uplift us or move us to tears.

Through playing, singing, creating, and performing students will develop the confidence to express themselves. Students will explore a range of musical genres in order to gain a passion and an appreciation for the subject that will continue through their life.

The Heys Music department believes that students deserve a broad and ambitious music curriculum, which develops essential musical skills and knowledge and ignites curiosity about the music industry.


Our music curriculum will give students the opportunity to:

·         Develop an understanding of music, through performing, composing, listening and analysing.

·         Develop an appreciation of different musical genres and an understanding of their contextual background.

·         Understand the complexities of music through analysis of a wide range of genres from different musical and cultural perspectives. This will contribute to the cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

·         Encourage creativity through the development of composition skills.

·         Develop self-confidence and a sense of achievement through performance on a range of instruments, in lessons, extra-curricular participation and peripatetic tuition.

·         Encourage personal development through ensemble performances and group compositions.

·         Understand how music can support the development of life skills, such as leadership, resilience, confidence, self-awareness, perseverance and discipline.



In Year 7, 8 and 9 students are taught Music for one hour per week in mixed ability classes.

At Key Stage 4, Music is a subject that is taught as an option for 3 hours a week. Students follow the BTEC Tech Award in Music Practice. Key Stage 4 classes are taught in mixed ability groups.

The topics students cover throughout Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 are outlined in the link below:

Curriculum Overview Music – KS3 & KS4 (2023-24)

Long Term KS3 and 4 Scheme of Work



Year 7 Themes/Focus

The Elements of Music

Instruments of the Orchestra

Form and Structure

Programme Music



Year 8 Themes/Focus

American Music

The Lion King

The Planets


Year 9 Themes/Focus

Music and Media

Radio Ga Ga






Year 10 and 11 Themes/Focus

Exploring Musical Products and Styles

Music Skills Development

Responding to a Brief



BTEC Music Interventions work on an ‘open door’ policy – pupils can come at any time after school most days to work on coursework preparation or rehearse.


Links to Exam Board Specifications