BTEC travel and tourism is a subject that is taught as an option subject. Students that opt to take travel and tourism in Key Stage 4 have 3 hours a week in mixed ability classes and are working towards a BTEC level 2 award which is the equivalent of a GCSE. They follow Pearson BTEC Tech award in Travel and Tourism. They will be awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction following their examinations three pieces of coursework. Pearson Set Assignments (PSA’s) are completed February to May (Year 10) and October to December (Year 11) worth 60%. Students will also sit one exam in Summer of Year 11, worth a final 40% towards the qualification. Feedback is related to BTEC criteria to highlight areas of strength and development throughout the course. Homework is set on a weekly basis.
Throughout the course, students develop the following skills:
- The opportunity to develop knowledge and technical skills in a practical learning environment.
- Develop knowledge of key areas within the travel and tourism sector.
- Investigate the importance of the travel and tourism sector to the UK, and investigate different types of customer and UK destinations.
It will develop key skills, such as research, report drafting and writing skills and project management.