Statutory Information


School name and address : The Heys, Heys Road, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 1JZ

Telephone: 0161 773 2052

Fax: 0161 773 5644


Headteacher – Mr P McKendrick

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator: Mrs B Farrell/Mrs L Saunders

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs R Evans

Chair of Governors: Mrs I McLaughlin

Any enquiries should, in the first instance, be directed to the main office who will direct you to the most appropriate person to handle your query.

Ethos & Vision

The Heys School is a place where we maximise our potential, to be the best we can be, every day 

Our core Values are to:  

  • Be Respectful
  • Be Kind
  • Be determined

The Heys School is a smaller than average 11-16 mixed comprehensive school. This allows us to provide aligned and differentiated support as we strive to provide the highest standards for students and staff alike.   

Our core values of Be Kind, Be Determined and Be Respectful underpin the goal to “Maximise our potential, to be the best we can be, every day”. 

The Heys School stands at the centre of our community and we embrace the opportunity to offer our young people guidance and aspiration to be the best that they can be in all aspects of life.  

We prepare our students to be active and valuable adults. Quality teaching and learning supported by reliable and structured pastoral systems provide opportunities and guidance on becoming resilient young people. 

We strongly believe in building a culture of resilience and tolerance in which our students can thrive. Our aim is to increase our student’s self-belief while opening their eyes and minds to pathways which lead to them becoming whatever they believe they can be. 

Relationships between school and parents/carers are key to the development of successful young people. We actively encourage parents/carers to interact with school and have a positive impact on the progress of their children. 

Mr P McKendrick 


Exam Results

Key Stage 4 Results



English Grade 4+ (Standard Pass)


English Grade 5+ (Strong Pass)


Maths Grade 4+ (Standard Pass)


Maths Grade 5+ (Strong Pass)


English & Maths 4+


English & Maths 5+


Attainment 8


Progress 8


Achieved Ebacc (5+)


Achieved Ebacc (4+)


Average Ebacc point score


Pupils entered for the EBACC 



THS Additional Headlines 2024 

  • Percentage of students achieving a pass (9-4) in English has increased 3.7% when compared to 2023.
  • Percentage of students achieving a strong pass (9-5) in English has increased 10.5% when compared to 2023.
  • Percentage of students achieving a pass (9-4) in Maths has increased 5.3% when compared to 2023.
  • Percentage of students achieving a strong pass (9-5) in Maths has increased 4.6% when compared to 2023.
  • Percentage of students achieving 9-7 in Maths has increased 0.7% when compared to 2023.
  • Percentage of students achieving a pass (9-4) in a language has increased 3.7% when compared to 2023.
  • A8 figures for English, Maths and EBacc have all increased when compared to 2023.
  • Percentage of students achieving 5 or more passes (9-4) has increased 3.3% when compared to 2023.
  • Percentage of students achieving 5 or more strong passes (9-5) has increased 6.8% when compared to 2023.
  • Percentage of students achieving 5 or more passes (9-4) and strong passes (9-5) including English and Maths have both increased when compared to 2023.

Financial Information

Please see our statutory requirements page on the Rowan Learning Trust website by clicking The Rowan Learning Trust: Financial Information (  for more information about the below:

Audited Accounts

Annual Reports

Funding Agreement

Memorandum of Association – under key information/policies and documents/articles of association

Executive Pay Reporting